Plan miasta Waelhem

Waelhem - Najnowsze wiadomości:

arthur ruhl > antwerp to gallipoli > chapter iv. the fall of antwerp.

louvain, liege, malines, namur?chapters in all the long, pitiless story were lying there in the narrow iron beds. there were men with faces chewed by shrapnel, men burned in the explosion of the powder magazine at fort waelhem, when the attack ... few burst in our part of the city that night, and we walked up as far as the cathedral without seeing anything but black and silent streets. every one in the hotel was up and dressed by this time. some were for leaving at once; ...
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Arthur Ruhl > Antwerp to Gallipoli > Chapter IV. The Fall Of Antwerp.

There were men with faces chewed by shrapnel, men burned in the explosion of the powder magazine at Fort Waelhem, when the attack on Antwerp began?dragged out from the underground passage in which the garrison had sought momentary ...
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129 - Colette de Roisin : Livre de raison des SEJOURNET (Tome IV ...

Il habita l'hôtel qu'avaient successivement occupé le Comte de Hornes, le Prince de Salm et le Ministre des Provinces Unies, au Haut Sablon, face ? la gracieuse fontaine érigée par Lord Ailsbury en l'honneur de Marie-Thér?se. ..... 1573 inh . en l'église Notre-Dame du Sablon, chevalier, seigneur de Wastine en partie, nommé conseiller extraordinaire au conseil de Brabant le 26 juillet 1527, conseiller et avocat fiscal le 4 juin 1545 en remplacement de Pierre de Waelhem. ...
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